Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Tuesday, May 5th

Everest Climbing Over City Buildings Magnet #dreamworks #animated #kids #yeti #family #Magnet #AbominableMovie #abominable #movie #gifts #giftideas #merch #officialmerch
            Good Morning! 
        How are you today?

How's the weather like today?

Revision of sounds with a song: Jolly phonics/ Group 2

Today we are going to learn a new sound.
Are you ready to start? 
Do you remember the msong
Here's the video for you to sing along.
Remeber to rub your tummy as if you were seeing tasty food and
say “mmmmmmmmmm”


a)Activity for the copybook :

1) Print the following photocopy

2) Grab some colour pencils and trace the letter. Remember to complete
the blank spaces too! 

3) Colour the pictures.

4)  Write the date in the copybook ("Today is Tuesday 5th")  

5) Stick the photocopy  

*if you cannot print the copy, draw a mug, a lamp, and a drum
in your copybook and label them. ( MUG- LAMP - DRUM)

b) Copy these words in your copybook and draw a picture next to each word.
Practice reading them. 

It's today! We Meet 

Group 1, 10 hs
Valentino, Jazmin, Rocco, Cipriano, Clara, Pedro, Francesco
Francisco C., Catalina, Max, Felipe, Ramiro, Dante R.

Group 2 10.50 hs
Juani G.,  Milagros, Tiara, Ema , Bianca, Francisco M., Julia

Candela,Facundo, Lorenzo, Dante C., Juani T., Renata
New trending GIF on GiphyGreat Job! Have a nice day!


  1. Meri nos dijiste que en el blog abia 1 juego y no lo encuentro en el blog Ch au mando beso 😘 te quiero 💕 chau teceremos de Rami cedate en casa🏡🥰💋🥰🥰😍

  2. Godd Morning Beauties!! What you can find in the blog, is the Story of Peg the Hen, where you can play and change colours! See that! You will love it!
    Love, Miss Mary
