Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Tuesday, May 19th

Animated hello gif 6 » GIF Download
How are you today?

        We are starting the day with a song!
                Pay attention to these words!


Today we are going see new sound
Are you ready to start? 
Do you remember the gsong?
Here's the video for you to sing along.

Words with G

Remember that you have to spiral your hand down as if water is gurgling
down a drain, and say g,g,g,g. 

Activity for the copybook 📔

1. 🖨️Print the following photocopy👇

2. Grab some colour pencils and trace the letter.✏️
Remember to complete the blank spaces too! 
3.Colour the pictures. 🎨
4.Write the date in the copybook ( Tuesday 19th")  
5.Stick the photocopy  

*If you cannot print the copy, draw a gift, a frog,
and a plug in your copybook and label them. ( gift, frog, plug)

Group 1, 10 hs
Valentino, Jazmin, Rocco, Cipriano, Clara, Pedro, Francesco
Francisco C., Catalina, Max, Ramiro, Dante R.

Group 2 10.50 hs
Juani G.,  Milagros, Tiara, Ema , Bianca, Francisco M., Julia
Candela,Facundo, Lorenzo, Dante C., Juani T., Renata, Felipe

Great Job. Great Job Clip Art Pictures Clipart. . Great Job Photo ...Miss Mary

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