Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Tuesday, october 13th


Este Viernes vamos a hacer una manualidad

Vamos a necesitar:

  • .2 Hojas de color tamaño A4 o similar. (tipo hoja el nene)

  • -Cintas o lana

  • -Brillantina (opcional)

  • -Plasticola

  • -cinta scotch

Good Morning kids!

I hope you had a great long  weekend! 

Are you ready to start? Let's Go!!

Let's continue working with sounds:


Today we are going to learn a new sound!

🌟Are you ready to start?🌟

Do you remember the  y song?


Pretend you are a eating yogurt from a spoon and say “y,y,y,y”


Here's the video for you to sing along 🎤



Now, let's practice reading 📖 these words with y



Online activity 💻:

💻 Today we are going to complete a virtual worksheet! 

Listen to the audio and match, draw a line to each picture 


💻 Once you finish click on:

💻 Then, click on “Enviar Respuestas a mi profesor”

💻 Complete it with the following information:

-Your full name 

-Curso: 1

-Asignatura: English

- Teacher´s email account


During the meet we are going to complete the following photocopy: 



Remember that today we meet!

group 1 at 10:00 

group 2 at 10:50

You need to have your copybook, your pencil case and the photocopy with you! 

That’s all for today

 Miss Mary

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