Thursday, October 29, 2020

Thursday, October 29th

                                 Hello kids! Good morning!

Today is Thursday!

Are you ready to start? COME ON!

Let's listen to this song. 

Wilbur changes his colours 

👉Today we  are going to complete an online worksheet


Online activity 💻:

💻 Today we are going to complete a virtual worksheet! 

Look at Winnie and Wilbur. Read the sentences and write YES or NO. 


💻 Once you finish click on:

💻 Then, click on “Enviar Respuestas a mi profesor”

💻 Complete it with the following information:

-Your full name 

-Curso: 1

-Asignatura: English

- Teacher´s email account:


Remember that today we meet!

You need to have

your copybook, Today's photocopy,

your pencil case

and Winnie´s book!                  


during the video conference we will solve this activity from winnies activity book

RECORDATORIO para viernes 30th

Materiales: Vamos a hacer un collage. Podemos tener

  • papel glase, 

  • revistas

  • pastos, hojas

  • semillas

  • lanas, hilos

  • lo que tengas en casa para poder armar un poster!

Miss Mary💜

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