Friday, October 16, 2020

Friday, October 16th

                 Hello kids! Good morning!

It 's Friday!

Let's make a last effort!


Este Viernes vamos a hacer una manualidad

Vamos a necesitar:

    • .2 Hojas de color tamaño A4 o similar. (tipo hoja el nene)

    • -Cintas o lana

    • -Brillantina (opcional)

    • -Plasticola

    • -cinta scotch

Let's revise some words:

👀look at the picture and think what the witches are wearing.

👀Look carefully at the colors of their clothes!

We will work on this during the Virtual conference

During the video conference we will work on the following photocopy

Remember that today we meet!

You will need:

your copybook, the photocopy, your pencil case and Winnie´s book!

Vamos a necesitar:

  • .2 Hojas de color tamaño A4 o similar. (tipo hoja el nene)

  • -Cintas o lana

  • -Brillantina (opcional)

  • -Plasticola

  • -cinta scotch



Have a wonderful weekend!!


Miss Mary

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