Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Tuesday, August18th



Hello, kids!

How was your weekend? 

I hope you had a GREAT time! 

Let's check the weather 

How's the weather today?

sunny☀️ / windy 💨 / rainy ☂️/ cloudy ☁️ / partly cloudy ⛅

Activity for the copybook: 📔

✍🏽Write the date: Tuesday 18th.

✍🏽Write the title: My weekend

👁️‍🗨️Choose 3 things you did over the weekend and copy the sentences in your copybook. 


                Go over this presentation and use

the word bank to complete your work 

Click Here

You can follow this example👇 


Well done!

gifs emoticones feliz - Imágenes de emojis | Emoticones imagenes ...


Para una mejor organización

les pedimos enviar los trabajos los Viernes.

En un solo mail, fotos de las tareas realizadas durante

cada semana. 


Thank You!!

Miss Mary

Remember that today we meet!

You will need:

👉 a white sheet of paper

👉your copybook

👉your pencil case

✏️  📔 📝  ✂️

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