Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Tuesday, August 11th



Hello, kids!

How are you today?

Let's check the weather 

How's the weather today?

sunny☀️ / windy 💨 / rainy ☂️/ cloudy ☁️ / partly cloudy ⛅

Let's revise sounds with this song:  

Activity for the copybook: 📔

✏️ Print or copy the following photocopy: 

✍🏽Write the date: Tuesday 11th.

✍🏽Write the title: Revision of sounds

👁️‍🗨️Read the following words:  

        three - soap - train - horse - pie

 rain - fork - tree - tie - goat - paint - bee 

✏️ Match these words with the correct picture.  

✏️ Trace the sounds. 

✏️ Match the sound with the picture.  

✏️ Write the words in your copybook. 

🧴 Stick the photocopy. 


That's all for today!


Remember that today we meet!

You will need:

2 white sheets of paper, 

glue and your pencil case with you!

✏️  📔 📝  ✂️

We are also going to practice Reading.

Have this photocopy at hand!


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