Friday, June 26, 2020

Friday, June 26th

Good Morning Minion GIF - GoodMorning Minion DespicableMe ...
I hope you are all doing fine! 

Let's start a new day! 

Get ready for our Friday dance! 

Craft time!
Animal cards! You can finish the game we started yesterday in our virtual lesson.
Remeber to get a coin and play!Coin on Emojipedia 13.0
You must say 3 sentences about your animal to be able to continue playing!

Activity for the copybook 馃摂
馃枿️Print or ✍️copy the following photocopy

✍️  Write the date in the copybook (" Friday 26th"
 ✍️ Write the title: From Head to Toe
Complete the sentences.
You can use the following word bank:

Word bank
penguin - hands - elephant - head - crocodile - monkey - hips - seal - feet - hands 

馃Т Stick the photocopy in your copybook. 

Malin Gaa - **Well Done Girls** Congratulations to the U16 ... Miss Mary

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